Monday, November 19, 2007

peace, Questions are the Answer

Hi peace,

Welcome back to 'Selling to Human Nature'. Proven Sales,
Marketing, and Advertising tips and resources that tap
into the incredible power of human nature appeal. To
Sell More !

Let's dive into this week's feature.

'Questions are the Answer'

The late J. Douglas Edwards was one of the greatest salesmen,
turned sales trainers to ply the craft during the first half
of the 20th century.

When a prospect would ask him a question like, 'Does it
come in blue'? He could have easily answered 'Yes', and
had nothing. But his response was always, 'Would you like it
in Blue'? To J Douglas Edwards, questions were the answer,
and he questioned his way to fortune.

Why questions?

When we are asked a question, or see a question mark in the
copy of an ad or sales letter, it automatically triggers a
deep seated, auto response. It's like an irresistible
command to 'pause and consider', isn't it? And after pausing
and considering, and coming up with an answer to the question,
we own that answer, don't we?

As human beings, it's in our very nature, to resist
external ideas. But oh how easily we seem to accept those
which we consider to be our own. Funny isn't it?

Questions also appeal to our sense of self worth, because
they solicit our opinion. Don't we all like to give
advice? Questions engage us in the discussion. They
stimulate our thought process, as we actively reflect on
the content of the copy. It's an emotionally
pleasurable experience.

When you pose an open-ended question that's relevant to
your prospect, you automatically draw them down the page,
and into your copy. They'll hang on your every word,
looking for satisfaction.

The effective use of questions in your sales, marketing,
and advertising efforts are just one of many wordsmithing
skills that are critical to your business. When you think
about it, words are really all you have. If you use them
wisely, you can not only sell more, you can actually sell
with higher profit.

Here's a little secret. Your profit margins will be
in direct proportion to the level of emotional satisfaction
your customer expects to obtain from your product or
service. And these expectations are entirely dependant on
the words you use. Sound crazy? Words alone, make all
the different in creating the impression of value.

Learn to question masterfully. Ignite the emotional
fire that burns within us. Evoke our dreams and desires.
And appeal to our deepest drives.

Fulfill us, and the world is your oyster.

Want a fast, foolproof, fun, and phenomenally effective way
to acquire these life changing skills?

Get privy to the most jealously guarded copywriting secrets
of 23 of the world's foremost emotional fulfillers. Click Here
to learn more

In the words of the immortal James Allen, ' Dream
lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your
Vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your
ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last

Until next week, Good Selling!

Best Regards,

Daniel Levis
Selling to Human Nature
RR#1 Utopia ON L0M 1T0

P.S. peace, have you ever wondered what
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If you feel the same way about your information
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All Rights Reserved

Daniel Levis
Selling to Human Nature
5482 25th Side Road, RR#1
705 424 3232

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