Thursday, January 3, 2008
All these topics have questions that should be considered before making your
final decision. Lets discuss each one.
Location: That is very important, but as important as it is, if the location
your looking at does not have good answers for our other topics we are
discussing, then I would continue to keep looking. I can't emphasize that
Caregivers: How many caregivers are working during the day and at night.
There should be at least 2 caregivers for 10 residents and a third available
for emergencies. How long the caregivers have been at that facility, do
they speak english. Are they kind and loving, or is it just a job to pay the
Cleanliness: When you walk in to a home it should smell clean, check
bathrooms and bedrooms and if their are depends or diapers laying around
or there not clean, I would keep a mental note. That is not a good sign.
Food: You want to make sure that the food being served is homemade and
not from a box. The soups are from scratch and not a can. Home made
cookies, cakes, and other pastries. Make sure they serve fresh fruit and
salads. When you find a home that puts that much effort into the meals
you know there is love in that home.
Activities: They are very important, When you ask that question.Do You
Have Activities Here? If they say sure come here and look at our activities
calander. Don't get excited just yet, it's mandated by the state to have that
posted. What you really want to hear is Yes we have activities, but
depending on what your loved one enjoys we will make sure that we will
make that apart of our daily routine. For example: Icecream Social
is the activity for today, maybe your loved one is not feeling very social
that day. You want to know they are invited to participate, but if not they
will be accomadated in there room if they want and feel very loved and not
left out.
Medication: Caregivers administer all medications, not the manager.
Don't worry this is very normal. That is not your concern, what is important
is you trust the people giving the medication. And no matter where you
put your loved one that will be a concern until the trust builds. But there
are signs to look for. When you walk into a home and the residents are
happy and alert and not in there room or if there in their room happy
and can talk to you, thats a pretty good sign. A nice relationship can
Skin: Personal care is very important, one of the best ways to tell if a person
is receiving good care is look at there skin. Look at the skin of the other
residents, if moist and supple they are getting good care, if dry and flakey
that is a very bad sign.
Cost: Last on my list but very important. Placing a loved one can be very expensive. Anywhere from 2000.00 per month up to 5000.00 per month. There are good homes to fit every budget. We also have altecs a state funded program for individuals that cant afford that much money.
There are also good homes for that program. That's what I do is find good homes to accomadate all different needs. But there are also some very bad homes. They look pretty and have all the right answers, but when you walk out that door, your loved one does not receive the care you thought they were going to get. It happens all the time.
There are alot of things to consider when placing a love one, we have discussed a few concerns. Contact me, I will help in any way i can at no cost to you. Together we will find the home that works for you, and you can have Peace of Mind.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Assisted Living Homes
License Number: ALH-2840 Licensed for 10 residents
Home Opened in 2002
Licensed for all III levels of care:
Directed - Supervisory - Personal
Alzheimer's and Dementia care excepted
6 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms
5 private rooms starting at 2500.00 per month
1 semi-private room starting at 2200.00 per month
Cleaning Deposit of 150.00 is required (Non-Refundable)
Altcs not excepted at this time
Night Staff Awake: YES
2 Caregivers on the floor (dayshift)
1 Caregiver on the floor (night shift)
Monday, December 3, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Arizona Assisted Living Homes
Monday, November 19, 2007
peace, Questions are the Answer
Welcome back to 'Selling to Human Nature'. Proven Sales,
Marketing, and Advertising tips and resources that tap
into the incredible power of human nature appeal. To
Sell More !
Let's dive into this week's feature.
'Questions are the Answer'
The late J. Douglas Edwards was one of the greatest salesmen,
turned sales trainers to ply the craft during the first half
of the 20th century.
When a prospect would ask him a question like, 'Does it
come in blue'? He could have easily answered 'Yes', and
had nothing. But his response was always, 'Would you like it
in Blue'? To J Douglas Edwards, questions were the answer,
and he questioned his way to fortune.
Why questions?
When we are asked a question, or see a question mark in the
copy of an ad or sales letter, it automatically triggers a
deep seated, auto response. It's like an irresistible
command to 'pause and consider', isn't it? And after pausing
and considering, and coming up with an answer to the question,
we own that answer, don't we?
As human beings, it's in our very nature, to resist
external ideas. But oh how easily we seem to accept those
which we consider to be our own. Funny isn't it?
Questions also appeal to our sense of self worth, because
they solicit our opinion. Don't we all like to give
advice? Questions engage us in the discussion. They
stimulate our thought process, as we actively reflect on
the content of the copy. It's an emotionally
pleasurable experience.
When you pose an open-ended question that's relevant to
your prospect, you automatically draw them down the page,
and into your copy. They'll hang on your every word,
looking for satisfaction.
The effective use of questions in your sales, marketing,
and advertising efforts are just one of many wordsmithing
skills that are critical to your business. When you think
about it, words are really all you have. If you use them
wisely, you can not only sell more, you can actually sell
with higher profit.
Here's a little secret. Your profit margins will be
in direct proportion to the level of emotional satisfaction
your customer expects to obtain from your product or
service. And these expectations are entirely dependant on
the words you use. Sound crazy? Words alone, make all
the different in creating the impression of value.
Learn to question masterfully. Ignite the emotional
fire that burns within us. Evoke our dreams and desires.
And appeal to our deepest drives.
Fulfill us, and the world is your oyster.
Want a fast, foolproof, fun, and phenomenally effective way
to acquire these life changing skills?
Get privy to the most jealously guarded copywriting secrets
of 23 of the world's foremost emotional fulfillers. Click Here
to learn more
In the words of the immortal James Allen, ' Dream
lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your
Vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your
ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last
Until next week, Good Selling!
Best Regards,
Daniel Levis
Selling to Human Nature
RR#1 Utopia ON L0M 1T0
P.S. peace, have you ever wondered what
having an ace copywriter and marketing strategist
by your side could do for your business?
Here's what one of my client's had to say recently.
"Daniel, I'm extremely pleased with the copy you
gave us recently, and thrilled with the over 3,000
new subscribers it attracted to our latest publication
over the past few weeks.
Your copy is brilliant -- thoroughly researched,
hard hitting, and best of all, productive -- what
more could I ask?"
-- Brien Lundin
CEO, Gold Newsletter and The New Orleans Investment
When I first hooked up with Brien, he knew that
with the right marketing, his information products
had the potential to be bring him substantially MORE
sales and profits.
If you feel the same way about your information
products, then click on this link right now.
Copyright 2000-2007 Levis International
All Rights Reserved
Daniel Levis
Selling to Human Nature
5482 25th Side Road, RR#1
705 424 3232
If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:
To update your contact information:
Monday, November 12, 2007
peace, Stop Selling Uphill...
Welcome back to 'Selling to Human Nature'. Proven Sales,
Marketing, and Advertising tips and resources that tap into
the incredible power of human nature appeal. To Sell M~ore!
This week's feature,
'Sell The Sizzle, Not The Steak!'
There's a saying, 'The Road to Business Hell is Paved with
False Assumptions'.
Would you like to avoid making one of the biggest profit
killing assumptions made by literally millions of business
people every day?
Here it is. Assuming that a buyer can readily make the
connection between what a product does, and how it can
improve their life.
In 1915, Elmer Wheeler, the legendary Salesman turned Adman,
coined the phrase, 'Sell the Sizzle, Not the Steak!'
What in the heck do you think he meant by that?
Come a little closer. I want this next point to really sink
in. 'It's not the thing that you're selling that inspires
the customer's desire for it, but rather the anticipated
feelings that they will experience, as a result of having
it.' Read that last sentence again. It's that important.
Being human, it's the emotional content of our thoughts that
motivates us. Once moved, only then do we demand logic, to
justify the decision that we have in essence, already made.
I strongly suggest that you study Elmer's work, 'Tested
Sentences That Sell'. It's out of print, but you can find it
in 'Long Lost Marketing Secrets'. Click on this link, to
learn more
Even the most serious corporate decisions are routinely
based on human cravings for recognition, prestige, and
power. Smart marketers have an insatiable appetite for
triggers that tie their wares to the satisfaction of
these and other fundamental human auto responses.
It's a life long study.
So how do you trigger human emotion in your marketing and
sales communications?
Not by telling the prospect about all the wonderful
features of your product or service, at least not at
first. Begin by talking about what having it will
mean to them. And wherever possible, use words that
paint mental pictures of what ownership will be like.
For example, if you were selling a contact management
software program, your copy might begin like this.
'Automates Your Tedious Contact Tracking Tasks, And
Increases Your Profits by up to 358%, While our Toll Free
Customer Support Takes You Every Step of the Way to
Customer Relationship Management Success!'
Do you see the implications in the wording? You probably
didn't notice them, but there are some very specific
nuances that make this statement powerful.
Note the inclusion of the letter 's' at the end of the words
'automate', and 'increase'. Using just this one letter made
the copy much more effective. Why? Because it makes us think
about how easy it's going to be. The 's' signals the
subconscious that the software will automate our prospect
tracking, that the software will increase our profits, and
that the toll free customer service will take us every step
of the way to Customer Relationship Management success. All
without us having to put forward any effort...Now read the
sentence without the 's', by substituting the word
'automate' for the word 'automates', and the word 'increase'
for the word 'increases'. Now who's doing all the work?
Wouldn't you like to invest in a product that does all of
the boring grunt work for you, while you envision all of the
free time that you'll have to spend all of the money it
makes for you?
There are actually several more powerful techniques used in
this example. Can you guess what they are? If you're not
sure, grab your copy of 'Long Lost Marketing Secrets'. Click
on this link now!
I hope you enjoyed this issue. Till next week, Good
Best Regards,
Daniel Levis
Selling to Human Nature
RR#1 Utopia ON L0M 1T0
PS, Remember peace, if you want to make a comment,
ask a question, or relate your experience with any of the
things you've learnt here, just hit reply and fire away.
Copyright © 2000-2007 Levis International
All rights reserved.
Daniel Levis
Selling to Human Nature
5482 25th Side Road, RR#1
705 424 3232
If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:
To update your contact information:
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
peace, Finally, I snapped!
It's frustrating as hell!
Coming up with a steady stream of promotional
copy to fuel your business is back breaking
hard work. You need lots of it. The only thing
really holding you back is more of it.
So don't you just hate it when you see guys
like Joe Vitale pumping out a blizzard of
amazing online promotions, press releases,
books, direct mail, live presentations, speeches
and info products out the wazoo without even
breaking a sweat?
It burns my ass!
It seems barely a day goes by that my in-box
isn't graced by some really cool news, or a
great idea, or an opportunity to invest in some
wonderful new business building product from Joe.
I'm like a drunken sailor on shore leave when
they arrive... I just can't resist.
Yesterday, I'd had enough!
I picks up the blower and I calls the man. "Come
clean" I said, "How in the heck do you do it?"
Like a dog with a bone I wouldn't letting go.
Finally he confessed ...
Here's what he told me:
"The first thing I do is assign my writing task to
my subconscious. I'll say hey sub come up with
a fantastic sales letter that out pulls anything that's
ever been done before. This is the product I want
to sell, and this is when I want to have it done by.
So work on it and when you're ready to have me
start writing send me a note. Give me nudge. Send me
something as a signal and that's my cue to begin
Second, I use a swipe file. I've got my huge hypnotic
swipe file loaded into a special software program I had
created. I'll look for proven sentences, phrases, kick
start statements... anything that'll get the creative
juices flowing.
Third, the moment I get that flash of inspiration,
I just do it. What I mean by that is I sit down to
write, and I don't get up until I've hammered out a
first draft, no matter what. I refuse to stop and edit
until I'm done. Period! I edit later. This is actually
easier said than done, and I've got some tools built
into the software that help me to keep this discipline.
Very important.
Plus, I've also got my TARGET formula for quickly
outlining a writing project programmed into the software.
I've been writing for over thirty years, and I still use it.
It's like a pilot's checklist that keeps me super
efficient and on track when I'm writing.
I've even had the programmers set up some tools
that help writer's put themselves into a light hypnotic
trance, which I've found very helpful for shutting up the
internal editor, and opening up the subconscious. It's an
invaluable tool, and one of the secrets for getting
your writing to flow out of you fast and fluid."
"All right Joe" I said. "You got me again. What's this
software called, and how do I get it?"
And he said, "It's called Hypnotic Writing Wizard,
and you can get it at this link."
So I did. And I love it. It's even got an onboard
timer. Great for setting a target for how long you plan
on taking to accomplish the various writing goals
you set for yourself each day. Awesome!
Why don't you check it out peace? This tool takes
all Joe's speed copywriting secrets and hands them to
you on a silver platter. It comes standard with his
amazing Hypnotic Writing, and Advanced Hypnotic Writing
ebooks installed, and you can load up his entire
Hypnotic Swipe File.
Check it out!
Imagine what you could do if copy was no object?
Until next time, Good Selling!
Daniel Levis
Selling to Human Nature
5482 25th Side Road, RR#1
705 424 3232
If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:
To update your contact information:
Monday, November 5, 2007
peace, What Great Advertising Really Is!
Welcome back to 'Selling to Human Nature'. Proven Sales,
Marketing, and Advertising tips and resources that tap into
the incredible power of human nature appeal. To Sell More~!
This week's feature,
'What Great Advertising Really Is'
Many business people have a distorted view about the
distinction between sales and marketing. The common view
looks something like this. 'Market by advertising to get
your name out there, so that people will be familiar with
you when you come knocking on their door to sell your
products and services'.
And off they go, to promote their company with image
advertising that shouts to the world how great they are.
They hope, and they pray that some how, some way, the
message about their brand will stick in people's minds.
Never knowing if it does, or if it doesn't. Or whether their
marketing dollars are paying them back in increased sales.
Some even think that a cutesy jingle, or slogan is enough to
get their phones to start ringing.
This all too common approach, is a huge waste of time, and
money. Never let an advertising rep tell you any different.
Sales and Marketing are far more alike than most people
realize. The sole purpose of marketing, and advertising is
to make sales. Full Stop.
If you don't know how many sales dollars your advertising is
really bringing in, stop advertising.
Advertising must do much more than just get your name out
there. It must educate, qualify, convince, and persuade.
Great Advertising is Nothing Less Than 'Salesmanship in
Think of it as a sales presentation that's geared toward
accomplishing a carefully defined objective, whether that
objective is the actual sale, or a step toward it.
Most successful campaigns are in fact a series of graduated
commitments, leading up to a transaction. It might start
with something as simple as an exchange of information. For
example, the prospect's name and address, in exchange for
some information about solving a problem. That's always a
winning formula.
When a prospect takes this step, they are actually
qualifying themselves, persuading themselves, and giving you
permission to follow up with them, all at the same time. And
without any investment in personal selling.
After all, why should you waste your valuable time talking
to a prospect that isn't already highly qualified, and
predisposed to buying from you?
The key to profitable sales, marketing, and advertising lies
in the response. Yet 90% of businesses fail to ask for, and
track incremental response in their advertising. The only
thing they track are sales, and then wonder why their
results are so abysmal.
Why Is Incremental Response So Important?
Because it tells you what you're getting, so you can change
what you're giving, until you get what you want.
The majority of people need to be exposed to your value
proposition more than once, before opening their wallets
anyway. Why not play an active role in the process, and
track the response you get to each successive stage of
Think of a pyramid, with rows of blocks piled one on top of
the other. The wider you build each row, the better your
chances of getting to the top.
If all of this sounds just too simple, and you don't believe
it has the power to line your pockets with all the money you
want, think again.
There are millions of businesses out there that just don't
get this.
Nobody knows for sure how an individual will react to a
given message. But en mass, human nature is as predictable
as the hands on a clock. If you broadcast a message, the
collective response will consistently come back to you
within an amazingly small variance. So measure your
response, try things, and repeat. It's that simple. Stick
around this newsletter for ideas.
Sounds great Daniel, but how do I do this without going
Throw up a website (If you need a good hosting account,, open
an Adwords account with Google, and track your investment in
real time. You'll get instant feedback, and changes are no
cost. The whole set up runs for about the cost of a few cups
of coffee a day.
Think of it as your own personal marketing laboratory. When
you get a winner, you can replicate it in other more costly
forms of media.
Speaking of Google Adwords, it's an amazing tool, but it's
not as easy as I just made it sound. Getting your targeting
just right, so you don't get your keywords disabled is a bit
of a trick. Most people find it extremely frustrating at
first. It's like a bucking bronco.
My colleague, Perry Marshall has written a very helpful
e-course called '5 days to success with Google Adwords', and
there's no charge for it. You can find out about it here
And remember, it doesn't matter if you're selling printed
circuit boards, herbal remedies, or anything in between, the
same principles apply.
Until next time, Good Selling.
Best Regards,
Daniel Levis
Selling to Human Nature
P.S. Why not forward this edition of SHN to a friend?
They'll thank you for it. All they need to do to subscribe
is send a blank email to
Copyright 2000-2007 Levis International
All rights reserved.
Daniel Levis
Selling to Human Nature
5482 25th Side Road, RR#1
705 424 3232
If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:
To update your contact information:
Saturday, November 3, 2007
peace, Final Reminder -- FREE training starts in ...
In just hours Steve Manning will be
interviewing me about: "How to Grow Your
Online Customer Lists 4 to 7 Times Faster,
Without Spending A Dime More On Traffic Or
Hiring A Hot Shot Copywriter!"
And I will have some amazing surprise gifts
to give away on the call as well -- stuff
you will absolutely want if growing your
business FAST is important to you.
If you haven't got your agenda printed out
yet, please do it now. We've got a TON of
material to cover and we'll be moving pretty
Click this link to download the document to
your computer, and then hit print:
Here are the call in details:
Date -- 11-03-2007
Time: 2pm ET
- 1pm CT
- 12noon MT
- 11am PT
- 6pm GMT
Dial -- 507-726-3441
Access Code -- 44025#
(If you get a message "this call is full",
please wait on the line, and an operator will
attempt to get you on the call.)
If you need help converting time zones, visit:
You should be able to convert GMT (SEE ABOVE)
to your local time zone.
If you need help with country calling codes, try:
IMPORTANT NOTICE -- This call will be packaged
and sold, so unfortunately there will be no
free mp3 recording available after the event.
See you on the call!
Daniel Levis
Selling to Human Nature
5482 25th Side Road, RR#1
705 424 3232
Daniel Levis
Selling to Human Nature
5482 25th Side Road, RR#1
705 424 3232
If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:
To update your contact information:
Friday, November 2, 2007
peace, Agenda for tomorrow's FREE training ...
Don't forget that tomorrow is the day of the
FREE TRAINING designed to give you the tools
you need to grow your prospect and customer
lists 4 to 7 times faster!
I just put the agenda together plus a convenient
flow chart that I want you to have handy for
the call.
These materials will help you to follow along
and keep organized notes. Please print the packet
out and place it by the phone. Click on the
below link and download it to your computer.
These materials will help you to follow along
and keep organized notes. Please click on the
below link and download the packet to your
computer, then print it out and place it by
the phone.
This is going to be one of the most intense,
content rich teleseminars you've ever experienced.
I will be handing you street-tested, insider
secrets most people will never know about
growing your business online with powerful,
order pulling sales copy and design techniques
that you can use on your website right now
to explode you sales and profits!
And it's totally FREE to attend. Here are the
call in details again:
Date -- 11-03-2007
Time: 2pm ET
- 1pm CT
- 12noon MT
- 11am PT
- 6pm GMT 11-03-2007
Dial -- 507-726-3441
Access Code -- 44025#
(If you get a message "this call is full",
please wait on the line, and an operator will
attempt to get you on the call.)
If you need help converting time zones, visit:
You should be able to convert GMT (SEE ABOVE)
to your local time zone.
If you need help with country calling codes, try:
IMPORTANT NOTICE -- This call will be packaged
and sold, so unfortunately there will be no
free mp3 recording available after the event.
See you on the call.
Daniel Levis
Selling to Human Nature
5482 25th Side Road, RR#1
705 424 3232
Daniel Levis
Selling to Human Nature
5482 25th Side Road, RR#1
705 424 3232
If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:
To update your contact information:
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
peace, Hauntingly profitable ...
I'm headed to St. Louis this week for Dan
Kennedy's Info-Marketing Summit. If you're
planning on being there, let's make sure and
I've got to leave for the airport in just a
few minutes -- before the little ghouls and
goblins take to the streets -- but hefore I go,
I wanted to draw your attention to something
hauntingly profitable ...
See I'm getting ready to launch a new blog
that will give me all kinds of new capabilities
that my current one doesn't, and in the process
came upon this killer special report.
If you're in the same boat -- looking to get
more traffic, more community, and more profits
out of your blogging strategy -- you should
really check it out.
Here's a tiny sampling of what's covered:
--> How to use blogs to dramatically increase
your website traffic -- and add 1,000's of EXTRA
dollars to your bottom line ...
--> How to rank #1 in Google, Yahoo!, and MSN
-- for the keywords MOST searched by your target
audience ...
--> 4 CASE STUDIES that revealed step-by-step
how 4 different web pages in completely
different niches were pushed to top rankings in
Google for highly competitive keyphrases -- with
less than 60 minutes' effort each, resulting in
traffic and sales in less than 14 days ...
--> 3 critical steps to follow to catapult your
website to the TOP of the search engine rankings --
for any keyword you choose ...
... And MUCH more!
This is a great guide to generating free traffic,
and making spooky new profits with your blog.
Hauntingly good.
Here's the link again:
Until next time, Good Selling!
Daniel Levis
Selling to Human Nature
5482 25th Side Road, RR#1
705 424 3232
If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:
To update your contact information:
peace, Your first installment 'Selling to Human Nature'
Welcome to 'Selling to Human Nature'. Proven Sales,
Marketing, and Advertising tips and resources that tap into
the incredible power of human nature appeal.
To Sell more~!
Most people make an inbox folder for us, to keep these
moneymaking tips handy for future reference.
I'd like you to do the same. There will be times in your
day-to-day experience, where you will remember how something
you read here can help. You will want to be able to find
that something, quickly and easily.
And if at any time you wish to ask a question, make a
comment or testimonial, or provide feedback, just click
reply, and fire away.
To download your special bonus 'The Greatest Marketing
Secrets of The Ages' click on the below link.
OK let's dive in to this week's topic.
'The Amazing Profit Power of Headlines!'
Did you know, that it's literally impossible to stop
thinking? If you don't believe me, try it.
There's an incessant conversation going on inside our heads,
only a portion of which we are even aware.
At any given point in time, there are a number of major
themes playing themselves out.
You'll have a hell of a time selling anything, until you can
find a way to enter the conversation. And it's your opening,
or Headline, that gets you in.
Have you ever visited a web site and found yourself wondering
what to click on?
Every page should have a headline shouldn't it?
Something that telegraphs the benefits that you can expect,
if you stick around. Studies prove that if a web site
visitor doesn't find something that engages her interest in
6 seconds or less, she's out of there. Never make the all
too common assumption that your prospects are going to
carefully examine, consider, or navigate the content on your
web site, just because it's there. Human nature at work
again, right? Falling in love with our own babies.
Remember this, your customers don't give a rat's ass about
your business, or your products, or your web site, unless it
gratifies them to do so. And they demand instant
gratification! So give it them, with your Headline. Your
Headline is THE most important thing about any web page, or
for that matter any form of media, including all forms of
advertising, editorial, press release, signage, a restaurant
menu, you name it. It doesn't matter how good the main body
of the message is, if nobody reads it.
It amazes me how rare it is to visit a commercial web site
that makes use of great headlines.
'What Makes A Great Headline?'
Let me give you a couple of hints. A good headline is about
your customer's situation. A great headline enters the
conversation already going on in her mind, and leaves no
doubt about how she can benefit from reading the main body
of the text.
Suppose you were selling a colic remedy. 'Are You a Young
Mom with a Colicky New Born, Looking for a Good Nights
Sleep?' Doesn't this appeal to one of her greatest human
needs? Self Preservation. Do you think she'll invest a few
more minutes to sell herself on the product, by reading the
rest of the copy?
A great headline takes advantage of human curiosity. Suppose
you were selling women's clothing. 'Don't Make These
Embarrassing Fashion Faux Pas!' She'll be thinking, Hmm, I
wonder what kind of embarrassing fashion faux pas I might be
A good headline is NOT about you! It's NOT 'We Have the
Highest Quality Merchandise, with Great Service Selection, and
Everyday Low Prices!' As consumers, aren't we bombarded by
this kind of meaningless platitude all day long, day in and
day out? It rolls off the human psyche like water off a
ducks back.
Appeal to human instincts in your headlines, and your copy,
and watch your business grow! But don't try to reinvent the
wheel. Learn from the master.
Thank you for spending some time with us. Join us next week
for 'What Great Advertising Really Is!'
Until then, Good Selling!
Best Regards,
Daniel Levis
Selling to Human Nature
5482 25th Side Road, RR#1
Utopia ON L0M 1T0
P.S. peace, Have you ever wondered what
having an ace copywriter and marketing strategist by
your side could do for your business?
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Daniel Levis
Selling to Human Nature
5482 25th Side Road, RR#1
705 424 3232
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
peace, Unadvertised Bonus Gift!
Welcome aboard, peace, You're busy, and this may not be the shortest welcome letter you've ever seen -- however -- if you're serious about blowing the doors off your existing marketing results -- and would like to nab yourself an additional valuable UNADVERTISED BONUS GIFT -- you're going to want to read every word. 'I Keep Only The Best Of The Best!' 'I keep a 4 inch red 3 ring binder on the credenza above my desk and in it -- I keep only the best of the best articles from Gary Bencivenga's Bullets, Clayton Makepeace's TOTAL PACKAGE, the best of the Gary Halbert Letters, John Carlton's Rebel Rants, as well as bits and pieces of interviews with, or articles from Arthur Johnson, Doug D'Anna, Parris Lampropolous et al. Today, at the front of the binder, I created a new section.' -- Martin Robinson I'll invite you to download your surprise gift in a moment, but first, please allow me to introduce myself ... My name is Daniel Levis, and I'm thrilled to welcome you to our rapidly growing fraternity of hard-core marketers, copywriters, and independent entrepreneurs, now numbering in the tens of thousands. I won't bore you with my qualifications. You probably already know who I am. If not, you can read what other people have to say about me in the sidebar. What's really important for you to know is this: The remarkable interview you requested with Clayton Makepeace is just the beginning when it comes to the many exclusive perks you'll enjoy as a 'Selling to Human Nature' member -- many of them FREE!
PHEW! That's a lot of value. I promise you'll love it! If you don't, you can easily remove your name permanently from our database at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link that appears at the bottom of every email we send. There's also a link there for managing your subscription. If you ever need us to start sending your 'Selling to Human Nature' issues to a new email address, just click on that link and follow the easy instructions. And please, white list my return address ( right now, so these valuable copywriting secrets aren't mistakenly junked. You have my solemn pledge, you will only receive quality, relevant material to help you grow your business. And oh, I almost forgot. Drop by my Free Tips For Successful Copywriting Blog and say 'Hi'!
While you're there, sign up for my RSS feed and help yourself to a mother lode of additional response boosting strategies, each posted with one goal in mind -- To help YOU seize the keys to the copywriting kingdom -- and get all of the abundant wealth, priceless freedom, and fawning admiration you're owed! Now, here's that unadvertised bonus I told you about ... Download the first three chapters of my highly acclaimed tribute to the late great Robert Collier, co authored with Dr. Joe Vitale. Click here peace, it's FREE! Until next time, Good Selling!
P.S. In case you misplaced the sample Masters of Copywriting 2007 interview you requested with my best bud, BILLION DOLLAR copywriter Clayton Makepeace, you can grab it here. |
Daniel Levis
Selling to Human Nature
5482 25th Side Road, RR#1
705 424 3232
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To update your contact information:
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Arizona Assisted Living - Peace of Mind Assisted Living

Arizona Assisted Living player Peace of Mind Assisted Living has a new logo. Is a logo important for Assisted Living in Arizona? I don't know, but when it comes to Assisted Living logos Peace of Mind Assisted Living appears to be trying it until they get it right.
Have you ever heard of Peace of Mind Assisted Living?
If the answer is no, then their logo probably doesn't really matter much. On the other hand, if you have then you might recal their old logos. Here's a short history of the logos for Peace of Mind Assisted Living that we are aware of. As far as we know this is just for Arizona, since that's when they are based with regard to their assisted living services and homes.